Ventilation Rates Used for Compliance Checking

This is a line graph depicting the ventilation rates used for checking compliance checking. The x-axis, labelled “House Volume (m3)” increases from 0 to 1600 at increments of 200. The y-axis, labelled “Required Ventilation Rate, (L/s)” increases from 0 to 120 at increments of 20.

There are two data sets represented by a dotted line and a solid line. A legend in the top left corner identifies these group labels as: dotted line, As per 0.30 ac/hr and solid line, Min 25 and Max 100 L/s.

The dotted line begins at 100, 10 and terminates at 1400, 120. The solid line begins at 100, 25 and plateaus until 300, 25 where it overlaps the dotted line until 1200, 100 where it plateaus until 1400, 100.

Between 300, 25 and 1200, 100 both data sets intersect at each point on the graph and follow the same growth rate.