Figure 3-4: Water allocation in Alberta by specified purpose
(Surface plus groundwater, based on existing licences as of 2001)

Specified Purpose Proportion
Municipal 11.1%
Recreation 0.28%
Water Management 3.1%
Other Purposes Specified by the Director 0.12%
Wildlife Management 0.12%
Oil & Gas 4.6%
Commercial (Cooling) 26.27%
Agricultural 1.5%
Commercial 6.5%
Fish Management 0.3%
Habitat enhancement 1.5%
Irrigation 44.8%

Total Licensed Volumes: 9,443,795,000 m3
(9,259,492,000 m3 surface water; 184,303,000 m3 groundwater)



How Canada uses its water

In Canada, Almost two out of every three litres of water are withdrawn for thermal power generation. Here’s how Canada’s 44.7 billion cubic meters of annual freshwater withdrawals are put to use.

Usage Proportion
Thermal power generation 64%
Mining 1%
Rural 2%
Agriculture 9%
Municipal 10%
Manufacturing 14%

Municipal and rural percentages include: residential, commercial/institutional and other non-industrial uses.