Integrated Forest Biorefinery

This diagram represents three biorefinery technologies susceptible to being integrated into pulp and paper plants. There is a picture of a tree in the upper left corner of the diagram, from which there is a series of arrows pointing toward the bottom and another series of arrows pointing toward the right. These arrows are linked by various textboxes representing different stages and options of technology integration.

The first downward arrow leads to a green textbox with the word “Biomass”, and then continues on to a blue textbox representing the “Gasification” stage. From there, a final arrow points to a colourless textbox that reads “Power, DME, FTs, mixed alcohols, chemicals, etc.”

Returning in the upper left corner, the arrow pointing to the right of the tree leads to a green textbox containing the word “Chips”, and then to a blue textbox with the term “Hemicellulose Extraction”. From there, the series of arrows continues on to the right but there is also a second series of arrows pointing toward the bottom.

The first downward arrow points toward a blue textbox with the term “Hemicellulose Conversion”, and then to another colourless textbox with the words “Ethanol, Polymers”. Back at the top, the right-pointing set of arrows from the “Hemicellulose Extraction” textbox continues on to a picture of a pulp and paper plant, then to a green textbox containing the word “Pulp”, and finally to the final green textbox of that series containing the word “Paper”.

However, below the image of the plant, there is also an arrow pointing downward to a cylindrical shape representing a recovery boiler. There is a second arrow leaving from the recovery boiler and pointing upward to the image of the plant. Between these two arrows, the words “Cooking Liquor” can be read. On the other side of the downward arrow, to the left of “Cooking Liquor”, there is a colourless textbox with the words “Energy, Chemicals”.

From the upward arrow, there is another arrow pointing right to a blue textbox containing the term “Lignin Extraction”. From this textbox, another arrow pointing right leads to the word “Energy” while a second arrow below the textbox points downward to a blue textbox containing the term “Lignin Conversion”. A final arrow leaves from this textbox and points to a colourless textbox below containing the words: “Chemicals, Polymers, etc.”